0418 392 084                [email protected]

Bradley Crane Trucks
Always Get a Lift from Someone You Trust.
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Bradley Crane Trucks

TJ & J Bradley Cartage started in 1986 with one crane truck and grown to include 2 semis and 3 trays with additional trucks coming in 2019. It has grown from working for a single truss plant, to multiple truss plants and a variety of independent companies requiring transport needs.

 0418 392 084
[email protected]

Our Current Fleet.

We have a variety of Crane Trucks to help with most people’s requirements, they range from Trays with 12t metre Hiab Knuckle Crane to a larger Tray with a 25.8t Metre Hiab with reach out to 21.9 metres, with a lift capacity of 450 kgs at this distance. Our semis have 16.6t metre cranes with a reach of 15 metres and a capacity of 860 kg at this distance.

“If we can lift it safely, we can move it”